by cheersspirits | Jan 8, 2022 | Featured, Tennessee Whiskey
Chicha Morada is a traditional punch-like beverage originating in Peru. It is made by boiling dried purple corn, pineapple skin, apples, cinnamon, cloves, water, and sugar. Near and Dear 2 parts @UncleNearest Tennesee Whiskey 1 part Chica Morada Syrup 1 part Lemon...
by cheersspirits | Apr 6, 2021 | Bourbon, Featured
You don’t need to be a pro to master the simple yet beautiful New York Sour. Its dram-atic colour comes from a float of red wine. @thehobbydrinkchef recommends a fruity red like Shiraz for this four ingredient cocktail with a tasty maple twist. What’s a...
by cheersspirits | Dec 26, 2020 | Featured, Tennessee Whiskey
Move over snow, it’s time for the sun! @unclenearest’s The Uncle’s Garden adds a tropical twist to your Tennessee Whiskey cocktails with pineapple and elderflower. Sweet, spice and sunshine? We’ll take it! INGREDIENTS 1 oz Tennessee Whiskey 1/4 oz St Germaine Liqueur...